Riverside brush fire found to be arson; 2.6-acre blaze blocked travel to Jurupa Valley and cleared out Mt. Rubidoux

An arson-caused brush fire that broke out on Tuesday in the Santa Ana River bottom in Riverside scorched 2.6 acres amid mild Santa Ana winds before it was stopped.

The non-injury blaze, called the Scout fire, was reported at 12:03 p.m. in the area of Mission Inn Avenue and Indian Hill Road, adjacent to a homeless encampment,  according to the Riverside Fire Department. Before it was controlled, for safety reasons Mt. Rubidoux was evacuated and Mission Inn Avenue was closed, blocking travel to and from Jurupa Valley.

The agency said multiple city and Cal Fire/Riverside County Fire Department engine and hand crews were sent to the location and encountered flames moving at a moderate rate to the southeast.

No homes were threatened, and no evacuation warnings for residential areas were issued.

A Cal Fire water-dropping helicopter was summoned to make drops on the brusher.

At 1:06 p.m., firefighters halted the fire’s forward rate of spread and established hose lays on one side of the brusher. The fire was controlled by 5 p.m.

“An arson investigator determined it was intentional,” said Riverside Fire Battalion Chief Bruce Vanderhorst.

The Riverside Fire Department’s arson division is leading the ongoing investigation. No arrests had been made as of Tuesday evening.

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